Big dreams and inspired visions often get diluted and distorted by the daily grind of business. In order to be more true to yourself through your business, you need to learn how to be true to yourself through more than just your product or service.
You need to learn how to reflect your truth in the many other components of your business model.
In this way, you will create a more rewarding business that keeps your dream on track, reflects you as a person and reflects your changing life journey, while still being strategically sound from a business point of view.
In order to achieve this, you should create what I call “synchronised life/ business strategies” for the many different components of your business model. Each strategy should explore both sides of the equation: will this give me personal reward? / will this make me money? These form the foundation of theTrutrepreneur®methodologies I have created.
For example:-
- How can you be more true to yourself through your product or service offering?
- How can you be more true to yourself through your customers?
- How can you be more true to yourself through your marketing and sales strategies?
- How can you be more true to yourself through your staff?
- How can you be more true to yourself through your suppliers?
- How can you be more true to yourself through your work environment?
- How can you align your truth to business strategies that still make good profit?
Strategies imply that it takes time and effort to make them a reality.
It thus makes even more sense to synchronise your life and business strategies, as they are then able to play out together, instead of time and energy being wasted on one-dimensional strategies that makes you money but do not make you happy, or that make you happy but that do not make you money.
If you take the time to do this properly, your entire business journey can become a reflection of the life journey you wanted to create for yourself, instead of just a partial reflection.